
Monday Mar 23, 2020
The Stevie Wonder Sight Conspiracy Mystery (featuring Mike Raymond Perea)
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Mike Raymond Perea returns as we discuss the conspiracy of Stevie Wonder's sight and the Coronavirus. Stevie Wonder is considered to be one of the most prolific musicians of all time. It is well known that Stevie Wonder was rendered blind shortly after birth but there have been rumors circulating from celebrities that know and have encountered Stevie Wonder that claim he can see.
You can find Mike on Instagram @mike_theactor

Monday Mar 16, 2020
Men in Black Part 1: The Maury Island Incident Mystery (featuring Max Zarou)
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Actor, improvisor and comedian Max Zarou joins us on the podcast. On June 21st, 1947, Fred Crisman and Harold Dahl witnessed a UFO of the coast of Maury Island in Puget Sound. After reporting that the UFO dropped debris from their craft that resembled liquid white metal breaking a worker's arm and killing a dog, the men were visited by mysterious Men in Black and were told not to disclose anymore information about the incident.
You can follow Max on Instagram @thenextjohngoodman or on his website maxzarou.com, see him perform with his musical improv troupe the Sound and the Furry and follow their Facebook page @thesoundandthefurry

Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Mike Raymond Perea returns as we discuss Bigfoot. Bigfoot is one of the most recognized and researched cryptids and though reports of a Bigfoot type creature has been reported for centuries, the best evidence of Bigfoot is in the Patterson-Gimlin Film captured in California in 1967.
You can find Mike on Instagram @mike_theactor

Monday Mar 02, 2020
The Oakville Blobs Mystery (featuring Amanda Hootman)
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Actor, singer, comedian Amanda Hootman joins us on the podcast. On August 7th, 1994 in Oakville Washington at 3am it rained littering the small town with blobs. The blobs were of an unknown origin, though they are said to be comprised of human white blood cells. Anyone that came into contact with the bloods fell ill and it is said that the blobs were responsible for the deaths of animals in the area.
You can follow Amanda Hootman on Twitter and Instagram @amandahootman, on her YouTube channel little hoot and two nights a week on the Twitch stream pixelplayhouse.

Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Vladimir Putin has been the president of Russia for a very long time, but there is reason to believe that he has been in power for much longer than history would dictate. In the 1800's a man named Ingersoll Lockwood published a series of novels about a boy named Baron Trump that have a striking similarity to the modern day Trump family.

Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
First reported in a 1900 newspaper article, the Bunnyman is a human bunny hybrid or a man in a bunny suit who terrorized Virginia, commonly seen wielding a knife. The Lake Worth Monster is a scaly half man half goat hybrid and can be seen in the Lake Worth area of Texas. The Goatman is another half man half goat hybrid that is more commonly found around Maryland.

Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Special guest actor and writer Jason Ellsworth joins us on the podcast as we talk about the Knights Templar and their possible involvement in buried treasure on Oak Island. The Knights Templar were a holy order created in the 12th century and disbanded in the 14th century when they were persecuted by King Philip IV of France. It is believed that they escaped persecution by fleeing to the New World, in secret, years before Columbus, taking with them holy artifacts such as the Gold Menorah, the Arc of the Covenant, even the Holy Grail.
You can follow Jason and his film Bad CGI Sharks on Instagram @badcgisharksmovie or on his IMDb http://ow.ly/7p8U50ydp47
Bad CGI Sharks is also available for purchase on Amazon http://ow.ly/u92g50ydp46
#stonercomedy #puffpuffpodcast #badcgisharks #knightstemplar #oakisland

Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Special guest actor and improvisor Adam Wasser joins us in part 2 of our time travelers series. Al Bielek participated in the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment and traveled as far back as 100,000 BCE and as far forward as 6037 CE. Andrew Carlssin was arrested in 2003 for insider trading, his defense was that he was a time traveler from 200 years in the future. Pellegrino Ernetti was a priest and scientist that allegedly built the Chronovisor, a device that allows the user to be able to see past or future events. John Titor was a time traveler from 2036 who claimed on message boards in the early 2000's that his mission was to bring back an IBM 5100 in order to debug legacy couture programs. Traksa is a "pure human" from the 36th century, his time traveling mission was to introduce Dr. Goldberg to Art Bell, the host of Coast to Coast.
See Adam's improv team Honeymoon every Monday night at 10pm at the Moving Arts Theater in Silver Lake. You can follow Adam on Instagram @adamwasser or at his IMDb page www.imdb.com.me/adamwasser

Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Returning guest Ariana Verhauz joins us for another episode of Collin's Cryptids. The Kongomato is a large winged bird in Africa that is said to have a wingspan between 4 and 100 feet. The Ropen also known as the Demon Flyer is nocturnal and can be found in Papua New Guinea, it is said to produce light through bioluminescence and has a wingspan between 12 and 100 feet. The Van Meter Visitor was seen in Iowa in 1903 where it terrorized the town of Van Meter, it is described as being half human and half bat and can emanate a beam of light from its forehead. Air Rods also known as Flying Rods or Sky Fish, can not be seen by the naked eye and are only found in photographs. Atmospheric Beasts are said to reside in the sky in a semi-solid state and are only partially visible.
You can follow Ariana on Instagram @arainasophiaa. For more information on Feng Shui and to schedule a consultation go to her website fengshuimystic.com

Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Producer, line producer and production manager Troy Guthrie joins us on the podcast. Time travel has been hypothesized and conceptualized for centuries but there are cases of real and possible time travel. Sergei Avdeyev was a cosmonaut that held the record for longest time in space, due to his orbiting the earth he traveled back in time but by only a fraction of a second. A man has claimed to have gone back in time from the year 2179 in order to observe earth during its most tumultuous time. A video has surfaced of a woman talking in a cellphone outside the 1928 premiere of Charlie Chaplin's "The Circus". Sir Robert Victor Goddard was a pilot that experienced a fluctuation in time where he witnessed a moment in the future pass over him.
Watch Debbie & Doug Drop Acid in the Desert on January 22nd and 23rd at the 35th Santa Barbra International Film Festival. Follow Troy on Instagram @troygu3