
Monday Jan 13, 2020
The Disappearance of Ted Conrad Mystery (featuring Lance Denney)
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Cannabis middleman and Robert's friend from high school, Lance Denney joins us on the podcast. In 1969, on his 20th birthday, Ted Conrad walked out of the bank he worked at along with $215,000 and was never seen again. Though, there is reason to believe that he has been living in Hawaii under the name Jack Thompson, the last man to move off of an active volcano, featured in the show No Reservations. You can follow Lance on Instagram @lancedenney

Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Special guest musician, DJ, and audio guy Chris Herrera returns to the podcast. In part 7 of Collin's Cryptids, Collin focuses on crypto's from California. Tahoe Tessie is a large serpent-like creature that resides in Lake Tahoe. The Trinity Alps Giant Salamander is said to be between 5 and 10 feet. Dark Watchers are said to reside in the Santa Lucia Mountains and can be seen on the mountains around twilight and dawn motionlessly watching passing travelers. You can find Chris Herrera on January 4th at LA Underground for Slightly Sizzled Records, January 17th in Seattle at the Underground, new music on his website chrisherreramusic.com, and on Instagram @chrisherreramusic

Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Special guest writer, comedian, podcaster Gina Ippolito returns for our Christmas episode. the Mari Lwyd is a Christmas cryptid, a skeleton horse that would scare residents and cause mischief on Christmas mostly in song form. Gryla and Leppaludi are a giant troll couple that would eat children. The Yule Lads are the 13 children of Gryla and Leppaludi, they would break into homes on the days leading up to Christmas and raid the kitchen. The Yule Cat is a huge vicious cat that lives in the snowy mountains and comes down to eat children that have not received new clothes for Christmas. Debbie Wolfe was a nurse that was found dead in her property pond just after Christmas. Though she was found in a burn barrel, police still claim her death to be from an accidental drowning. You can find Gina Ippolito at GinaMIppolito.com or follow her on Instagram @ginaippy

Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Special guest artist and comedian Kyle Ian Fisher joins us on the podcast in the third part of a four part series on Oak Island. There are theories that William Shakespeare was not the true author of his own works. Probably the most prominent theory as to who could have authored Shakespeare's work is Francis Bacon. It is believed that in his travels to Canada he may have buried this secret on the island. You can find Kyle Ian Fisher on Instagram @thekfish1

Monday Dec 16, 2019
The Life and Death of Kaspar Hauser Mystery
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Kaspar Hauser was a German youth that claimed to have grown up in total isolation in a dark cell. He walked around town with a note written by an anonymous source claiming that he would like to be a cavalryman like his father. He was later wounded by an accidental discharge from his own pistol. it did not kill him but later in his life he would be stabbed to death under what is suspected to be a self inflicted stabbing.

Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
The Ahool is a giant bat like primate sighted in the jungles of Java and throughout most of Indonesia dating as far back as 1925. The Akkorokamui is a giant octopus like creature. Often compared with the Kraken the Akkorokamui is said to imbue healing powers and is celebrated as a holy figure in Japan. The Dobhar-chú which translated means water dog or water hound is known as King Otter in Ireland. It is often described as half dog half fish.

Thursday Nov 28, 2019
The Thanksgiving Day Special: The History of Thanksgiving Mystery
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
There have been varying accounts of what happened on the first Thanksgiving, everything from what was served at the first thanksgiving to how the event occurred to the aftermath have been shrouded in mystery.

Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Actor, comedian, pirate Tiffani Ann Mills joins us for the second part of a four part series on Oak Island. For over 2 centuries people have been attempting a dig on Oak Island in Nova Scotia. One theory as to what can be unearthed in this money pit is buried pirate treasure. Blackbeard was said to have buried a treasure where none but himself and Satan could find. Captain Kidd was a pirate sailing near the island at the time of its discovery. He was said to have a treasure trove of over 400,000 pounds of which only 10,000 has ever been recovered. you can follow Tiffani on Instagram @capttyphoon

Monday Nov 11, 2019
The Witches' Tree of Louisville, Kentucky Mystery
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
On March 27, 1890, one of the most devastating tornados in American history ripped through Louisville. Dubbed “the Storm Demon” claiming over 100 lives. Local legend claims the storm was caused by witches, punishment for cutting down a tree they warned them not to cut down. The tree was cut down to build a May pole for a May Day Celebration. 11 months later to the day the tornado hit and with it a bolt of lightning hitting the new tree that was planted in its place causing the new tree to grown into the gnarled mess that stands to this day at the corner of Sixth Street and Park Avenue in Old Louisville.

Thursday Oct 31, 2019
The Halloween Special Roanoke Colony Mystery (featuring Breon Bliss)
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Artist, singer, actor, improviser Breon Bliss joins us for a special Halloween episode. The Roanoke Colony was the first attempt at a permanent settlement in North America. The colony was established on 8 mile Roanoke Island in North Carolina. When Governor John White returned from his 3 year journey to England, the colony, along with all the structures built built on the island had disappeared without a trace. All that was left, beside the wooden fence posts was a carving on a tree spelling CRO. You can find Breon at breonbliss.com or follow him on Instagram @poopernagel